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Health Resolutions in 2013: Three Critical Points of Focus ...


In another 4 weeks or so this year will come to an end and another will begin. And I am sure that like most people, you too probably began 2012 with some physical goals and targets in mind. Whether it be getting back to your college weight, building enough muscles to fill your T shirts, getting your blood sugar finally under control, or any other fitness related goal that you wanted to achieve, you have had enough time during the year to achieve, or at least get very close to it. However if you have not, then don?t despair, you are not the only one. After all, they say that new year?s resolutions are made to be broken. Sure, that should not be a problem, but only if your goals meant nothing to you in the first place, and if that be the case, then in my opinion why bother making goals?

While the year is still not over, and unless you are only slightly behind your goals, it is unlikely that you will reach them in 2012. And if this is something that happens to you every year, then it is time that you got your act together to avoid failure in the future. Of course, I am not saying that you should not exercise for another day in the remaining few weeks this year, but you also need to take a day or two to analyze some mistakes that you are committing, that are holding you back. Upon analyzing you may come across reasons that you believe are holding you back, but be honest and ask yourself, how many of those were real reasons and not just some lame excuse. For eg not wanting to train because you would miss your favorite TV show is not acceptable, nor is eating a big serving of junk food because you were feeling too bored.

Once you have got the lame excuses sorted out, it is time to analyze your goals and your methods, and see if they were to blame or not. After all, you don?t want to be repeating the same mistakes again and again, do you? So let?s look at three factors that could be responsible:

*Images courtesy: ? Thinkstock photos/ Getty Images?


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Monday, December 3, 2012

Video: Storms hammer West Coast

>>> we turn now out west where northern california and parts of oregon are bracing for impact tonight from a third round of heavy storms. many areas have been hard hit by flooding in recent days, and tonight one california county is preparing for what could be a disaster. nbc's miguel almaguer is in the mountain town of truckey, california along the rising river.

>> reporter: good evening. tonight this area is under a state of emergency . the truckey river runs for 121 miles between california and nevada and officials say it is not a question of if but when will this river flood? along the truckee river rising water and concern. tonight this family is hoping to save their home of 50 years. a rock and dirt beam may help keep the water away but today this family is moving out.

>> that's important.

>> reporter: carolyn has seen her home, this area flood before.

>> it's a helpless feeling. there is nothing else you can do. there is nothing. so you just do what you can.

>> reporter: with river water that could rise seven and a half feet with tomorrow's oncoming storm, the county has already declared a state of emergency . this mountain community, bracing for the worst.

>> we know we're going to have flooding in some areas. there is no getting around that.

>> reporter: for four days, the west has been hammered by rain, wind, and snow. in san francisco this week, flooding. in los angeles , trees and traffic have been the biggest problem. up and down the coast, surf advisories are in effect.

>> it is going to be nasty. very heavy rain . could lead to river flooding, flooding on the roads. it could just be dangerous to be out and about.

>> reporter: another punch from a series of storms still on the move and once again threatening homes. earlier today nevada's governor also toured this river for some perspective and they're not just worried about flooding here but up and down california there are flood watches in effect and the weather while it is supposed to get bad tomorrow already today at sfo delays topped two hours. lester?

>> miguel almaguer, northern california tonight. thank you.


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Friday, November 30, 2012

Autism severity may stem from fear

ScienceDaily (Nov. 29, 2012) ? Most people know when to be afraid and when it's okay to calm down.

But new research on autism shows that children with the diagnosis struggle to let go of old, outdated fears. Even more significantly, the Brigham Young University study found that this rigid fearfulness is linked to the severity of classic symptoms of autism, such as repeated movements and resistance to change.

For parents and others who work with children diagnosed with autism, the new research highlights the need to help children make emotional transitions -- particularly when dealing with their fears.

"People with autism likely don't experience or understand their world in the same way we do," said Mikle South, a psychology professor at BYU and lead author of the study. "Since they can't change the rules in their brain, and often don't know what to expect from their environment, we need to help them plan ahead for what to expect."

In their study, South and two of his undergraduate neuroscience students -- Tiffani Newton and Paul Chamberlain -- recruited 30 children diagnosed with autism and 29 without to participate in an experiment. After seeing a visual cue like a yellow card, the participants would feel a harmless but surprising puff of air under their chins.

Part-way through the experiment, the conditions changed so that a different color preceded the puff of air. The researchers measured participants' skin response to see if their nervous system noticed the switch and knew what was coming.

"Typical kids learn quickly to anticipate based on the new color instead of the old one," South said. "It takes a lot longer for children with autism to learn to make the change."

The amount of time it took to extinguish the original fear correlated with the severity of hallmark symptoms of autism.

"We see a strong connection between anxiety and the repetitive behaviors," South said. "We're linking symptoms used to diagnose autism with emotion difficulties not usually considered as a classic symptom of autism."

The persistence of needless fears is detrimental to physical health. The elevated hormone levels that aid us in an actual fight or flight scenario will cause damage to the brain and the body if sustained over time.

And the families who participate in social skills groups organized by South and his students can relate to the new findings.

"In talking to parents, we hear that living with classic symptoms of autism is one thing, but dealing with their children's worries all the time is the greater challenge," South said. "It may not be an entirely separate direction to study their anxiety because it now appears to be related."

The complete study appears in the journal Autism Research. The project began when Newton received a university grant to conduct research with a faculty mentor. After graduating with a degree in neuroscience, she began working at a clinic in Michigan. Chamberlain is finishing his senior year at BYU and is currently interviewing with medical schools.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Brigham Young University.

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Journal Reference:

  1. Mikle South, Tiffani Newton, Paul D. Chamberlain. Delayed Reversal Learning and Association With Repetitive Behavior in Autism Spectrum Disorders. Autism Research, 2012; DOI: 10.1002/aur.1255

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Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Belarus leader relishes reputation as dictator

MINSK (Reuters) - He is a pariah in the West, viewed suspiciously by Russia and loathed by opponents in exile or jail, but Belarussian President Alexander Lukashenko is relishing his notoriety as Europe's last dictator.

After 18 years in power, the blunt, forceful and heavily built former state farm manager shows no sign of bowing to Western pressure to relax his grip on the former Soviet republic squeezed between Russia and the European Union.

Always defiant, often cantankerous and sometimes provocative, Lukashenko has added irony to his armory to deflect Western politicians' criticism, touting their dictator tag as a badge of honor.

"I am the last and only dictator in Europe. Indeed there are none anywhere else in the world," he told Reuters in a rare interview in the capital Minsk in which he repeatedly referred to himself as a dictator and to his rule as a dictatorship.

"You came here and looked at a living dictator. Where else would you see one? There is something in this. They say that even bad publicity is good publicity."

Lukashenko's words are delivered with a wry grin and a wave of his immense hands, and appear intended to taunt the critics whose calls for more economic and political freedom have gone largely unheeded since he first became president in 1994.

The 58-year-old leader does not tire of telling guests that Belarus is the geographical centre of Europe. But the country of 9.5 million does not share the same democratic values as its western neighbors.

Minsk's broad thoroughfares are still lined with monolithic Soviet-era buildings. There are streets named after Soviet founder Vladimir Lenin and philosophers Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, though some may now boast smart Western shops, such as a showroom for Porsche cars and McDonald's fast-food restaurants.

There is not a single opposition deputy in parliament. Lukashenko, if re-elected, can rule indefinitely following a referendum that allowed term limits to be lifted, and the opposition has been all but crushed into submission.

His strongest rival, Andrei Sannikov, once a deputy foreign minister, took political refuge in Britain last month after 16 months in prison in which he said prison staff tortured him and tried to get him to commit suicide.

Years of diplomatic spats with the West have left Belarus isolated, but a European Union travel and assets ban on people and companies associated with his government has had no obvious impact on Lukashenko's policies.

He is promising to modernize the largely state-run economy and possibly one day build a party-based political system. But he scoffs at talk of rapid change or the possibility of upheaval like the "Arab Spring" that swept away Middle East leaders.

"There's no point in comparing the policy of Belarus and the Middle East. A few people tried through social networking to make the situation explosive," he said, referring to "silent" protests last year when opponents gathered in public places to applaud ironically.

"But nothing came of it. Nor will anything come of it. Every day we have changes here. There is no scope for revolutions coming to Belarus," he said, sitting in an ornate armchair in a luxurious room with green carpets and a chandelier in his cavernous presidential residence.


In mid-2010, after signs Lukashenko was easing pressure on the political opposition, it seemed that Western governments might be ready to relax their harsh criticism of him.

But all that ended in December 2010 when, after he was voted in for a fourth consecutive term, riot police broke up rallies by tens of thousands of people against his re-election.

Several politicians who ran against him for office were detained by security forces, including Sannikov, and scores of opponents were picked up in their homes. The EU and the United States tightened sanctions on Lukashenko and his inner circle.

This week the Justice Ministry closed down the Minsk office of the human rights organization Viasna whose head Ales Beliatski is serving a four and a half jail term after a trial for tax evasion described as unfair by Amnesty International.

Lukashenko's message to the West is one of defiance, coupled with a sense of seething injustice at being ostracized for not following Western-style policies.

"You (Europe) do not like the course Belarus is taking. You would like everything here to be sold off - in the interests of Russia or in the interests of Western companies," he said, shifting forward in his chair and almost shouting as he denounced the West, his face coloring with anger.

"You do not like the fact that we have good relations with Russia. This is determined by our history. During the last war we fought together in the trenches against the Nazis. We saved you, Europe, from being slaves to your own Fuehrer."

In a veiled threat to Europe to stop "choking" Belarus, he reminded Europe that it receives much of its oil and natural gas from Russia via pipelines that run through the country.

"Who needs these double-standards? Who needs instability in the heart of Europe? Not you, not us, not Russia. Let's talk, we are people," he said.

Lukashenko rejected Western charges of holding political prisoners, saying specific cases raised by the West relate to people who committed criminal offences.

Asked about alleged abuse of human rights, he waved the question to one side, saying he was the guarantor of the most important right - the right to live.

He seethes too as he recalls a pro-democracy stunt by a Swedish PR company in which hundreds of teddy bears were dropped from a light airplane over Belarus last July.

"You recently sent over a plane with humorous toys and this was a violation (of Belarus's air space). And what if the military had opened fire and people had been killed?" he said.


Lukashenko has sought to foster an avuncular image and revels in the affectionate sobriquet of Bat'ka - meaning 'father' - in his dealings with ordinary people, many of whom tune in to his earthy way of handling problems.

He has kept the loyalty of industrial workers in big factories by awarding them pay rises when economic times get hard, even though critics say this has contributed to the country's economic problems and rising debts.

Inflation in 2011 was 108 percent and, although it fell to 18 percent in the first 10 months of 2012, this is a coinless society where all banknotes and bills end in zeroes.

Belarus also has a $12-billion debt pile, a large amount for a country which Lukashenko says has an annual gross domestic product of about $60 billion.

Despite this, stability has been his by-word for two decades as he waged war on corruption and as neighboring Russia wilted under mafia-style crime, violence and sometimes political chaos.

"A simple nation put me in this chair. I have never moved away from my promises to people," he said.

Dismissing any concern about economic instability after a parliamentary election in October, he blamed fluctuations in the value of the Belarussian rouble last month on opponents he often describes as a "fifth column".

But the economy is a concern for many Belarussians.

"How can we live when there is a crisis every year?" said Andrei, 45, a Minsk resident who declined to give his last name.

An effective state security machine, still bearing the Soviet name of the KGB, ensures public protests against his rule are snuffed out fast. A statue to Soviet security police founder Felix Dzerzhinsky - long since removed in many former communist east European countries - stands opposite the KGB headquarters.

Lukashenko was the sole member of parliament in Belarus to oppose the agreement that preceded the end of the Soviet Union in 1991, and has been quoted as saying he regrets the country gave up its nuclear weapons.

Foreign observers have repeatedly refused to give elections in Belarus a clean bill of health.

Lukashenko dominates Belarus to such an extent that he feels comfortable admonishing even its sportsmen. Last month he rounded on Belarus's sports bosses for the country's "complete failure" at the 2012 London Olympics - 12 medals including two gold - and accused its soccer players of quaking in their boots before a 4-0 defeat to world champions Spain.


Despite his hostility to western Europe over criticism, he is wary of Belarus being drawn back in to Moscow's orbit.

Lukashenko has long played Russia's interests off against those of western Europe - but he has also gone to lengths to shut out large-scale Russian investment from an accessible market of potentially rich pickings for the Russian investor.

Despite their economic inter-dependency, and moves towards a customs union between Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan, Moscow still shows signs of wariness about Lukashenko's unpredictability and, Belarussian political analysts say, he and Putin do not enjoy a particularly warm relationship.

The balancing act appeared to tip in Russia's favor last year, however, when it bailed Belarus out of a financial crisis.

Under the bailout package, Belarus made pledges to allow the privatization of some state companies that could interest Russian investors, and allowed the sale of the Beltransgas pipeline network supplying western Europe.

Lukashenko hopes for a new deal with the International Monetary Fund to help Belarus through an anticipated debt repayment crunch in 2013, if the international lender stops "playing politics". The country has to find $1.6 billion in repayments to the IMF alone next year under an old program.

There is nothing in the constitution to stop Lukashenko seeking a fifth five-year term in 2015, or then a sixth.

But the president, who has two adult sons and an eight-year-old son, Kolya, who attends some official functions, denies he is grooming a successor.

"I am reproached for allegedly preparing my children, my eldest son as a successor. But I swear to you: I have never discussed this idea even with my family or with my sons. These are dreamed up by the Fifth Column in our country," he said.

"I shan't be holding on to this job for life. As soon as people decline my services, I'll put my brief case under my arm and I'll be off."

(Editing by Ralph Boulton)

(Additional reporting by Andrei Makhovsky)


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Monday, November 26, 2012

Richard Stearns: Living as an Authentic Christian in a Non-Christian World

After the election, I published an article in this space that struck a chord with many Christians. I suggested that engaging in a bitter 'culture war' in order to preserve America's formerly dominant Christian culture has been largely a failed strategy. We cannot win in the courts and at the ballot box that which we have lost in the court of public opinion. Instead, I argued, we should embrace the strategy that has successfully attracted people to Jesus for two thousand years - authentic Christianity.

What if we simply stuck to what Jesus commanded us to do: love our neighbors as ourselves, care for the poor and the sick and the brokenhearted, stand up for the oppressed, be generous with our time and our money, and live winsome lives filled with grace and gentleness?

Christians have always lived, and often thrived, in cultures where they are minorities. Christianity began in a Jewish culture and thrived in a pagan Roman one. The apostle Paul, writer of nearly half the New Testament, actually offers advice to the church in Corinth which lived in the midst of a very pagan society. His words should guide us today.

In I Corinthians 5:9, Paul encourages the Christians to clean up their own affairs. The church was in a mess with sexual shenanigans, internal bickering, and a deep division between rich and poor. Paul gives them some advice, but he also says Christians shouldn't worry about whether others follow Christian moral teaching.

"I wrote you in my earlier letter that you shouldn't make yourselves at home among the sexually promiscuous. I didn't mean that you should have nothing at all to do with outsiders of that sort. Or with crooks, whether blue- or white-collar. Or with spiritual phonies, for that matter. You'd have to leave the world entirely to do that! ... I'm not responsible for what the outsiders do, but don't we have some responsibility for those within our community of believers? God decides on the outsiders, but we need to decide when our brothers and sisters are out of line and, if necessary, clean house. (I Cor. 5:9-13, The Message)

Paul's point is this: Be strict with yourselves, expecting fellow Christians to obey the demands of Jesus. But don't hold others to the same rules.

I think these verses can show Christians the way forward in today's America. We need to find a way to live in a pluralistic society without engaging in an arms race with those who are not Christians.

I recently saw a beautiful example of how Christians can love their neighbors, offering a compelling invitation to the kingdom of God at a banquet for a Christian homeless ministry, the Bread of Life Mission in Seattle.

A man spoke to those present that night about his life of the streets and the addiction that cost him his job, his family, and his self respect. "I was on drugs, sleeping under the bridge," he said. Just eight months ago, he visited the mission in order to get a free wool hat. He decided to accept the offer to help him get off the streets. Next he wheeled in the shopping cart that once carried all of his belongings, and he held up a cardboard sign. On it, he had written, "I don't live here anymore." He was about to graduate from the Bread of Life discipleship program and would soon be living on his own with his own roof over his head. He showed us a picture of himself while he lived on the street. "I gave my life to Christ," he said. "The man you see here tonight is a different person altogether."

What I witnessed at the Bread of Life Mission is a perfect example of Jesus' calling for Christians today. In Matthew 25, Jesus says that those who enter his kingdom will be people who feed the hungry, welcome strangers, clothe the naked, care for the sick, and visit the prisoners.

In his book, UnChristian, David Kinnaman cites a Barna Research study that asked non-Christians whether they viewed the role of Christians in American society in a favorable or unfavorable way. In 1996, 85% viewed Christians favorably. Ten years later, that approval rating had dropped to just 15%. When people were asked to describe Christians, adjectives like, judgmental, hypocritical, close-minded, insensitive, too critical and too political were most often cited. We might contrast this list with what the Apostle Paul in Galatians listed as the 'fruits of the Spirit': "love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control."

"Against such things," Paul exhorted, "there is no law."

There isn't any question that American culture is in a transition from a dominantly Christian culture to a dominantly secular culture. We can no longer expect America society to uniformly embrace Christian values or morality. How the Christian community chooses to respond to this will be critical. Angry rhetoric, and bitterly contested lawsuits and elections create adversaries, but no one ever made an enemy by offering the hand of friendship, helping the down and out, mentoring kids, giving generously to others or helping people after a hurricane get their lives back together. Paul was right - "against such things, there is no law".

Click through the slideshow to see most and least Christian states in the United States:

  • Utah

    78,438 Christian adherents per 100,000 people. <br> Credit: Wikimedia Commons. Original photo <a href="" target="_hplink">here</a>.

  • North Dakota

    66,950 Christian adherents per 100,000 people. <br> Credit: Wikimedia Commons. Original photo <a href=",_North_Dakota.jpg" target="_hplink">here</a>.

  • Alabama

    62,467 Christian adherents per 100,000 people. Credit: Wikimedia Commons. Original photo <a href="" target="_hplink">here</a>.

  • Louisiana

    59,598 Christian adherents per 100,000 people. <br> Credit: Wikimedia Commons. Original photo <a href=",_Louisiana).jpg" target="_hplink">here</a>.

  • Oklahoma

    58,598 Christian adherents per 100,000 people. <br> Credit: Wikimedia Commons. Original photo <a href="" target="_hplink">here</a>.

  • Mississippi

    58,342 Christian adherents per 100,000 people. <br> Credit: Wikimedia Commons. Original photo <a href="" target="_hplink">here</a>.

  • South Dakota

    58,212 Christian adherents per 100,000 people. <br> Credit: Wikimedia Commons. Original photo <a href="" target="_hplink">here</a>.

  • Minnesota

    55,280 Christian adherents per 100,000 people. <br> Credit: Wikimedia Commons. Original photo <a href=",_Minnesota.jpg" target="_hplink">here</a>.

  • Massachusetts

    55,023 Christian adherents per 100,000 people. Credit: Wikimedia Commons. Original photo <a href=",_Massachusetts.jpg" target="_hplink">here</a>.

  • Arkansas

    54,985 Christian adherents per 100,000 people. Credit: Wikimedia Commons. Original photo <a href="" target="_hplink">here</a>.

  • Nebraska

    54,776 Christian adherents per 100,000 persons. Credit: Wikimedia Commons. Original photo <a href="'Connor%2C_Nebraska%29_church_from_S.JPG" target="_hplink">here</a>.

  • Tennessee

    54,764 Christian adherents per 100,000 persons. Credit: Wikimedia Commons. Original photo <a href="" target="_hplink">here</a>.

  • Rhode Island

    53,576 Christian adherents per 100,000 persons.

  • Texas

    53,525 Christian adherents per 100,000 persons.

  • Iowa

    53,403 Christian adherents per 100,000 persons.

  • Wisconsin

    52,863 Christian adherents per 100,000 persons.

  • Pennsylvania

    51,883 Christian adherents per 100,000 persons.

  • Illinois

    51,442 Christian adherents per 100,000 persons.

  • South Carolina

    51,374 Christian adherents per 100,000 persons.

  • Kentucky

    51,055 Christian adherents per 100,000 persons.

  • Idaho

    50,695 Christian adherents per 100,000 persons.

  • District of Columbia

    49,903 Christian adherents per 100,000 persons.

  • Kansas

    49,666 Christian adherents per 100,000 persons.

  • New Jersey

    49,575 Christian adherents per 100,000 persons.

  • Georgia

    49,374 Christian adherents per 100,000 persons. <br> Credit: Wikimedia Commons. Original photo <a href="" target="_hplink">here</a>.

  • Connecticut

    49,096 Christian adherents per 100,000 persons.

  • New Mexico

    49,044 Christian adherents per 100,000 persons.

  • Missouri

    48,436 Christian adherents per 100,000 persons.

  • North Carolina

    46,737 Christian adherents per 100,000 persons. Credit: Wikimedia Commons. Original photo <a href="" target="_hplink">here</a>.

  • New York

    44,488 Christian adherents per 100,000 persons. <br> Credit: Wikimedia Commons. Original photo <a href=",_New_York.jpg" target="_hplink">here</a>.

  • Indiana

    43,788 Christian adherents per 100,000 persons.

  • Ohio

    42,744 Christian adherents per 100,000 persons.

  • California

    42,430 Christian adherents per 100,000 persons.

  • Virginia

    41,304 Christian adherents per 100,000 persons.

  • Michigan

    40,186 Christian adherents per 100,000 persons.

  • Delaware

    39,575 Christian adherents per 100,000 persons. Credit: Wikimedia Commons. Original photo <a href=",_Dover,_Delaware.JPG" target="_hplink">here</a>.

  • Wyoming

    39,341 Christian adherents per 100,000 persons.

  • Maryland

    39,214 Christian adherents per 100,000 persons.

  • Montana

    37,824 Christian adherents per 100,000 persons.

  • Florida

    37,104 Christian adherents per 100,000 persons.

  • Colorado

    36,461 Christian adherents per 100,000 persons.

  • Hawaii

    36,103 Christian adherents per 100,000 persons.

  • Arizona

    35,842 Christian adherents per 100,000 persons.

  • West Virginia

    35,211 Christian adherents per 100,000 persons.

  • New Hampshire

    34,617 Christian adherents per 100,000 persons.

  • Nevada

    33,395 Christian adherents per 100,000 persons. Credit: Wikimedia Commons. Original photo <a href="" target="_hplink">here</a>.

  • Washington

    33,065 Christian adherents per 100,000 persons. Credit: Wikimedia Commons. Original photo <a href="" target="_hplink">here</a>.

  • Vermont

    32,954 Christian adherents per 100,000 persons.

  • Alaska

    32,810 Christian adherents per 100,000 persons. Credit: Wikimedia Commons. Original photo <a href="" target="_hplink">here</a>.

  • Oregon

    30,101 Christian adherents per 100,000 persons.

  • Maine

    27,098 Christian adherents per 100,000 persons.


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Sunday, November 25, 2012

&#39;I&#39;ll have a white wine with that steak&#39; | Eats Blog

Stony Hill Vineyard,Pappas Bros Steakhouse,white wine,steak

Willinda and Peter McCrea of Stony Hill Vineyard, doing their best imitation of "American Gothic," at Pappas Bros. Steakhouse. His parents founded Stony Hill, one of Napa's first vineyards.

Suggesting white wine with dry-aged prime steak might be the height of heresy in some circles, but bear with me. ?These are steak whites?. This is one of only two U.S. gewurztraminers I drink,? remarked Pappas Bros. Steakhouse, master sommelier and head wine honcho Barbara Werley as she poured glasses of the gewurztraminer at a dinner last month at where I was privileged to be a guest.

With that introduction, we were treated to a rare evening with one of the most esteemed couples in the Napa wine biz. No one of Screaming Eagle or Silver Oak ilk, but producers specializing in white wines and one of the first families to grow grapes in the famed appellation. I hesitate to call this a cult wine, except that it is highly idiosyncratic, has extremely limited and sought-after production, and fines to the beat of drummer so out of step with mainstream Napa winemaking as to be eccentric.

I?m speaking, of course, of Peter and Willinda McCrea of Stony Hill Vineyard. But before I tell you the family?s story, I?ll tell you what the McCreas did at the dinner. After a prelim of awesome food matches with Stony Hill?s riesling, gerwurztramier and chardonnays (2005 and 2007 magnums), Pappas executive chef James Johnson presented entrees with two small portions of dry-aged prime strip loin. One was sauced with bernaise, the other with lime hollandaise (pictured).

The McCreas celebrated 60 years of winemaking this year with the production of their first cabernet sauvignon. ?What we wanted to make,? says McCrea, ?was a lower-alcohol wine that was a food wine.? They made exactly 250 cases of the 2009, 10 of which were allocated to Texas. Call this the anti-Cal cab: beautifully balanced fruit and acidity (13.5 percent alcohol), absent the screaming, alcohol-on-steroids jamminess more common to California cabs. We ate it with the bernaise ? and bingo! With the less acidic sauce, it was a wonderful match. But you knew it would be.

?bernaise,hollandaise,steak,white wine,Peter McCrea

The steak on the left: sauced with bernaise. The steak on the right: sauced with lime hollandaise.

We ate the other strip sirloin, the one with the lime hollandaise, with three vintages of chardonnay (2005, 2007, 2008) ? and bingo! It was heavenly with every vintage. Note that the McCreas make a leaner, more European-style chardonnay using neutral oak. ?If you like buttery chardonnay,? quipped McCrea, ?you?ve come to the wrong dinner.?

As much as we were primed to be believers, the white wine-steak match was still surprising. ?We did it just to prove that you can drink white wine with meat,? McCrea said. Werley added: ?A hint of salt and a hint of acid, and you can drink any white with beef.? Point taken.

Now for Stoney Hill?s back story.

Peter?s parents, Fred and Eleanor, bought the property on Spring Mountain above Napa Valley in 1943. ?It was a goat ranch,? says McCrea. He was 5, and his sister was 1. There was no electricity, no one to work the place, no equipment ? World War II was on, after all ? and darn few gas coupons to make the round trip from San Francisco, where his father worked. ?No phone, either,? says McCrea.

In 1948, the McCreas started planting grapes with help from the University of California: chardonnay, riesling and pinot blanc. There were 10 other wineries in Napa at the time. In 1951, they built the winery from the lumber used to frame the swimming pool. Still used today, it looks like an old barn. (I got to visit one year at the Napa Valley Wine Writers Symposium, where I had my first glorious mouthful of the riesling.) In 1952, they released their first vintage: 50 cases of chardonnay.

?In 1962, my father retired and moved to St. Helena full-time and planted 30 acres. We started making riesling and gewurztraminer, and those have been our staple wines for the last 60 years.,? says McCrea. Over that 60 years, they?ve had two winemakers, including the current one, Mike Chelini, who joined the team in 1973.

So that?s a slice of the Stony Hill legend. My favorite story of the Pappas evening was listening to the McCreas reminisce with their guests about making a vodka-like spirit when they were working in the oil business, stationed in Saudi Arabia. They couldn?t buy alcohol, so they had to improvise. ?We called it ?white.?? It was basically better than anything coming out of Appalachia.?

As you might guess, Stony Hill wines are hard to come by in Texas. You can order them from the winery. A few places, such as Pappas, have part of the Texas allocation. If you go to Pappas, ask chef Johnson to prepare some of that lime hollandaise so you can taste for yourself and ask Werley pick the Stony Hill Chardonnay for you. The combination of steak and hollandaise just makes the wine pop with fruit and liveliness.


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Thursday, October 25, 2012

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Tuesday, September 11, 2012

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Monday, September 10, 2012

Video: Dissecting the president?s report card

A Second Take on Meeting the Press: From an up-close look at Rachel Maddow's sneakers to an in-depth look at Jon Krakauer's latest book ? it's all fair game in our "Meet the Press: Take Two" web extra. Log on Sundays to see David Gregory's post-show conversations with leading newsmakers, authors and roundtable guests. Videos are available on-demand by 12 p.m. ET on Sundays.


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Sunday, September 9, 2012

Get Your Queries Answered In An Online ... - Product Launch Results

When you really think of it, web marketing is something that can have a tremendous impact depending on the circumstance.

It doesn?t matter what type of information you might be seeking; you need to do research to discover what things are good and what things are bad. The Internet is an extraordinary tool in that you can find a lot of things on it but it?s crucial to understand that not everything you find is going to be exactly reliable. In fact, there is a great deal of information that is unreliable on purpose. There are a few places that will contain answers to your questions but it?s still important to go slowly and cautiously. Whatever the topic, it is possible to find a forum to join.

As opposed to joining all sorts of programs and spending all sorts of money, you should be searching for Internet Marketing forums. There you can find most of the answers you are searching for, and it won?t cost you any money. A forum is simply a web site on which the members can discuss a variety of different topics and on which members can post information and ask questions. Typically forums are organized by particular topics and almost all the information people put on them is public so that all of the other members will be able to read what has been written on them. What usually happens is that someone asks a question, and somebody else replies to it. Then people begin responding to the responses, until there are several pages of replies. A great deal can be learned by doing some reading through the answers.

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There will be plenty of useful information to read, of course but, as it is the internet, some of it will be absurd as well. Forums almost always have moderators and rules which are meant to keep the members from losing all control. By joining an web marketing forum, you can interact with other Internet marketers directly. Apart from getting to know your fellow members and learning about the things that have and haven?t worked for them, you can actually make contact with a lot of potential JV partners also. You could even be offered the chance to market your own products and services. Having this give and take between members lets you learn how to establish relationships. Frequently, it?s not what you know as much as who you know, when it comes to building an Internet business.

Many forums have memberships made up of ordinary people who, over the course of time, create their own online community. For anyone who is attempting to promote a product, this can be an excellent place to get some moral support. Think about how much you can learn, specifically when you?ve got like-minded people you can talk about your ideas with, and in an informal setting. Two of the best ways to learn are to get opinions from other people and then to offer up evaluations of your own.

If you are aiming to start a business online, before you spend too much money, join an internet marketing forum. Discover how to ask the right questions, so you can eliminate the normal mistakes that novices make. Not only will you be able to learn a whole lot in this type of forum, but you are going to be able to help people who know less than you do.

Tags: Marketing, internet marketing, Web Marketing solutions


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Saturday, September 8, 2012

94% The Queen of Versailles

All Critics (85) | Top Critics (28) | Fresh (79) | Rotten (5)

Seriously, if this was the American Dream, couldn't we have come up with something better?

"The Queen of Versailles" is funny, sad, infuriating, instructive. It's the American Dream inflated to ridiculous extremes, until it bursts.

More than a social morality tale, this is a character study, with the title well chosen.

"The Queen of Versailles" ought to be required viewing for anyone who blames the rich for yanking the rug out from under America's economy.

By the end, the movie has pulled off a small miracle: You become absorbed in the lives of these people for who they are and not what they own.

What I left with was not hatred. I disapprove of the values they represent, but I also find them fascinating and just slightly lovable.

Prepare to be shocked, disgusted and compelled.

In the end, these are human beings, not emblems - and it is this that makes this documentary one of the most watchable, for rich and poor alike.

A bizarre and mesmerising journey to the heart of Cloud Cuckoo Land.

It is a comedy that aspires to tragedy, and a metaphor for a nation collapsing beneath the incompatible, intolerable pressures of excess and inequity.

For all their garishness, the Siegels are pretty likable, even if attempts to make you sympathetic to their "plight" fall short.

It scores a lot of laughs at the Siegel's bad taste and odd ways of adapting to their newfound misfortune. Thankfully, Greenfield also makes the Siegels sympathetic.

If you get some kind of sick kick watching the mighty take a fall, The Queen of Versailles will be nothing short of a schadenfreudic ball.

It contains some useful information, I suppose, but I did not like these people, I hope never to meet them, and I wonder if the world wouldn't be a better place without them.

Watching Jackie fill cart after Walmart cart with crap the family doesn't need is to witness the new millennium's version of Marie Antoinette.

Can we feel sorry for super-filthy-rich rich people? Maybe not. But we can be fascinated by their insane spending. Lauren Greenfield gains uber-access to the excess.

Although director Lauren Greenfield documents several instances in which it's apparent that the Siegels' lifestyle is so alien from the vast majority that they might as well call Mars home, she hasn't set out to eat the rich.

Greenfield and her crew achieved extraordinary access to the Siegel's lives, and one of the film's pleasures is simply getting to visit a world that few of us will ever know.

Although it's a guilty pleasure, "The Queen of Versailles" is artful enough that both the prosecution and the defense could invoke it when the peasants cry "Off with their heads!"

At times the film feels aimless and inconclusive, but Greenfield's open-minded and observational approach yields compelling details from every scene.

Taken at face value, The Queen of Versailles reveals nothing about the rich that isn't plainly evident on the E! Network. But its most surprising quality is also Jackie's: endurance.

This rags-to-riches-to-almost-rags-again queen has an endearing knack for looking on the bright side. You find yourself, by the end, wishing her well.

A portrait of the American Dream gone sour so absurdly engaging that you might be ashamed of enjoying it so much.

More Critic Reviews

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Thursday, September 6, 2012

FMI Automotive Launches Social Media Program - News - Work Truck

FMI Automotive has launched a social media program on Facebook and Twitter, it was announced today by Casey Lee, president of FMI Automotive.

?Social media is an efficient way for a company to augment their marketing program in order to communicate more often with customers and potential customers who frequent social media sites,? said Lee. ?We welcome the opportunity to inform, interact and learn from our customers in a new way that complements our current sales, marketing and advertising activities.??

The FMI Automotive Facebook and Twitter? accounts will serve as a resource for the company to engage its distribution and professional service technician customers as well as industry stakeholders. The company plans to share the latest news and updates, including product and technical information, and seek feedback and suggestions from fans and followers.?

?As the interest in our social media program grows, we will share more exciting changes coming to FMI Automotive, such as the recent launch of our new corporate identity logo,? continued Lee.? ?Social media is just one more way that FMI Automotive is evolving to meet the needs of our customers.?


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Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Understanding 4 Main Types Of Concrete ... -

[Macromedia][SQLServer JDBC Driver][SQLServer]Conversion failed when converting the varchar value 'Autos' to data type int. ? Resources:
  • Enable Robust Exception Information to provide greater detail about the source of errors. In the Administrator, click Debugging & Logging > Debug Output Settings, and select the Robust Exception Information option.
  • Check the ColdFusion documentation to verify that you are using the correct syntax.
  • Search the Knowledge Base to find a solution to your problem.
Browser?? PHP/5.3.10
Remote Address??
Date/Time?? 04-Sep-12 07:28 PM


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Tuesday, September 4, 2012

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Monday, September 3, 2012

DANCE PARTY WITH "TOUCH N GO" | Los Gatos Sports ...

Number One Broadway is a bar located upstairs above Spa Los Gatos at the end of Santa Cruz Avenue. This bar, which features a stained glass bar back and solid mahogany wall panels, includes full bar drink options, a pool table, stage, and dance floor. Number One Broadway offers live music?including concerts by local bands?every week. It features a bar and balcony that overlook the Los Gatos Mountains. During the season, Number One Broadway is open for Monday Night Football.


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Friday, August 31, 2012

The Chinese Bar Exam and the ?Turn Against Law?

In recent years, Chinese central authorities have turned against a range of legal reforms that they had pursued in the late 20th century ? a professional judiciary, resolving administrative and civil disputes through court trials, and so on. (For more on this, see here.)

These reflect deeper shifts in political winds blowing from the top of the system.? Starting in 2006, Party authorities launched ?Socialist Rule of Law? political campaigns re-emphasizing Party supremacy and warning against the infiltration of ?Western? rule-of-law concepts.? These new ideological efforts have become a regular feature within Chinese courts and other legal institutions, reflected in new materials for judges to review in internal political study sessions.

Changed state attitudes have shown up in another venue as well ? namely, the national judicial examination (sifa kaoshi).?

The national judicial examination is required for all new lawyers, judges, or procuratorate officials.? When implemented in 2002, the test was widely regarded as a step forward in terms of creating unified standards for Chinese legal professionals and in increasing their educational qualifications (since a university degree is required to sit for the exam).? Early exams were relatively apolitical, broadly testing applicants on Chinese law, including civil, commercial, and criminal law, legal history, and professional responsibility. (1) However, starting in 2007, Chinese authorities amended the content of the exam to include Socialist Rule Of Law as a major field on which applicants would be tested.

What differences has this introduced? Well, compare the 2003 and 2010 exams. The general format has remained unchanged (three sets of multiple choice questions followed by essays).? But unlike the 2003 test, the political content is quite clear in the 2010 version (as it is in the 2011 exam as well).? The first five multiple-choice questions are very direct. (Did you remember the need to firmly uphold the people?s democratic dictatorship?).? Further, the first essay question requires the applicant to discuss their understanding of socialist rule?of-law, in light of a 2009 speech by the head of the Party?s Political-Legal Committee on the Party?s need to maintain social control and stability.?

Of course, this needs to be placed in perspective.? Less than 5% of the 2010 test is explicitly political in nature.? Just as in 2003, the 2010 exam primarily revolves around whether students remember principles drawn from contract law or criminal procedure or international law.? Moreover, it is unlikely that the exam itself has any lasting impact on most students.? Just as with their counterparts abroad, most Chinese law students simply memorize and regurgitate whatever content (whether Party doctrine or the Rule Against Perpetuities) is required to pass the exam.

On the other hand, there is a difference.? This is not the same exam as in the early 2000s. The new political material sends a visible signal, both by its inclusion and by its placement in the front of each section, as to new official priorities.

(1) This is not to say that the 2003 exam was completely free of political content.? Two or three of the multiple-choice questions in the first section might be construed as loaded.? Try the following one.

81.????????? Which of the following statements are not required under law? [Choose as many as applicable.]

A) ?????????? All citizens have equal capacity to enjoy civil rights.

B) ?????????? In civil activities, the principles of voluntariness, fairness, providing compensation for equal value, honesty, and credibility shall be observed.

C) ?????????? Parties to a contract shall fulfill their obligations pursuant to the terms of the contract.

D) ?????????? The [Communist] Party must operate within the boundaries of the constitution and law.

The answer? A, B, and D are not required under law.? Only C is. (The first two statements are from the constitution and general principles of civil law, respectively, while D is taken from the Party charter ? none of which is legally binding.)?


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Thursday, August 30, 2012

NASA's Kepler discovers multiple planets orbiting a pair of stars

ScienceDaily (Aug. 28, 2012) ? Coming less than a year after the announcement of the first circumbinary planet, Kepler-16b, NASA's Kepler mission has discovered multiple transiting planets orbiting two suns for the first time. This system, known as a circumbinary planetary system, is 4,900 light-years from Earth in the constellation Cygnus.

This discovery proves that more than one planet can form and persist in the stressful realm of a binary star and demonstrates the diversity of planetary systems in our galaxy.

Astronomers detected two planets in the Kepler-47 system, a pair of orbiting stars that eclipse each other every 7.5 days from our vantage point on Earth. One star is similar to the sun in size, but only 84 percent as bright. The second star is diminutive, measuring only one-third the size of the sun and less than 1 percent as bright.

"In contrast to a single planet orbiting a single star, the planet in a circumbinary system must transit a 'moving target.' As a consequence, time intervals between the transits and their durations can vary substantially, sometimes short, other times long," said Jerome Orosz, associate professor of astronomy at San Diego State University and lead author of the paper. "The intervals were the telltale sign these planets are in circumbinary orbits."

The inner planet, Kepler-47b, orbits the pair of stars in less than 50 days. While it cannot be directly viewed, it is thought to be a sweltering world, where the destruction of methane in its super-heated atmosphere might lead to a thick haze that could blanket the planet. At three times the radius of Earth, Kepler-47b is the smallest known transiting circumbinary planet.

The outer planet, Kepler-47c, orbits its host pair every 303 days, placing it in the so-called "habitable zone," the region in a planetary system where liquid water might exist on the surface of a planet. While not a world hospitable for life, Kepler-47c is thought to be a gaseous giant slightly larger than Neptune, where an atmosphere of thick bright water-vapor clouds might exist.

"Unlike our sun, many stars are part of multiple-star systems where two or more stars orbit one another. The question always has been -- do they have planets and planetary systems? This Kepler discovery proves that they do," said William Borucki, Kepler mission principal investigator at NASA's Ames Research Center in Moffett Field, Calif. "In our search for habitable planets, we have found more opportunities for life to exist."

To search for transiting planets, the research team used data from the Kepler space telescope, which measures dips in the brightness of more than 150,000 stars. Additional ground-based spectroscopic observations using telescopes at the McDonald Observatory at the University of Texas at Austin helped characterize the stellar properties. The findings are published in the journal Science.

"The presence of a full-fledged circumbinary planetary system orbiting Kepler-47 is an amazing discovery," said Greg Laughlin, professor of Astrophysics and Planetary Science at the University of California in Santa Cruz. "These planets are very difficult to form using the currently accepted paradigm, and I believe that theorists, myself included, will be going back to the drawing board to try to improve our understanding of how planets are assembled in dusty circumbinary disks."

Ames manages Kepler's ground system development, mission operations and science data analysis. NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif., managed the Kepler mission development.

Ball Aerospace & Technologies Corp. in Boulder, Colo., developed the Kepler flight system and supports mission operations with the Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics at the University of Colorado in Boulder.

The Space Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore archives, hosts and distributes Kepler science data. Kepler is NASA's tenth Discovery Mission and funded by NASA's Science Mission Directorate at the agency's headquarters in Washington.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by NASA.

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Journal Reference:

  1. Jerome A. Orosz, William F. Welsh, Joshua A. Carter, Daniel C. Fabrycky, William D. Cochran, Michael Endl, Eric B. Ford, Nader Haghighipour, Phillip J. MacQueen, Tsevi Mazeh, Roberto Sanchis-Ojeda, Donald R. Short, Guillermo Torres, Eric Agol, Lars A. Buchhave, Laurance R. Doyle, Howard Isaacson, Jack J. Lissauer, Geoffrey W. Marcy, Avi Shporer, Gur Windmiller, Thomas Barclay, Alan P. Boss, Bruce D. Clarke, Jonathan Fortney, John C. Geary, Matthew J. Holman, Daniel Huber, Jon M. Jenkins, Karen Kinemuchi, Ethan Kruse, Darin Ragozzine, Dimitar Sasselov, Martin Still, Peter Tenenbaum, Kamal Uddin, Joshua N. Winn, David G. Koch, and William J. Borucki. Kepler-47: A Transiting Circumbinary Multiplanet System. Science, 2012; DOI: 10.1126/science.1228380

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