Wednesday, December 5, 2012

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Health Resolutions in 2013: Three Critical Points of Focus ...


In another 4 weeks or so this year will come to an end and another will begin. And I am sure that like most people, you too probably began 2012 with some physical goals and targets in mind. Whether it be getting back to your college weight, building enough muscles to fill your T shirts, getting your blood sugar finally under control, or any other fitness related goal that you wanted to achieve, you have had enough time during the year to achieve, or at least get very close to it. However if you have not, then don?t despair, you are not the only one. After all, they say that new year?s resolutions are made to be broken. Sure, that should not be a problem, but only if your goals meant nothing to you in the first place, and if that be the case, then in my opinion why bother making goals?

While the year is still not over, and unless you are only slightly behind your goals, it is unlikely that you will reach them in 2012. And if this is something that happens to you every year, then it is time that you got your act together to avoid failure in the future. Of course, I am not saying that you should not exercise for another day in the remaining few weeks this year, but you also need to take a day or two to analyze some mistakes that you are committing, that are holding you back. Upon analyzing you may come across reasons that you believe are holding you back, but be honest and ask yourself, how many of those were real reasons and not just some lame excuse. For eg not wanting to train because you would miss your favorite TV show is not acceptable, nor is eating a big serving of junk food because you were feeling too bored.

Once you have got the lame excuses sorted out, it is time to analyze your goals and your methods, and see if they were to blame or not. After all, you don?t want to be repeating the same mistakes again and again, do you? So let?s look at three factors that could be responsible:

*Images courtesy: ? Thinkstock photos/ Getty Images?


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Monday, December 3, 2012

Video: Storms hammer West Coast

>>> we turn now out west where northern california and parts of oregon are bracing for impact tonight from a third round of heavy storms. many areas have been hard hit by flooding in recent days, and tonight one california county is preparing for what could be a disaster. nbc's miguel almaguer is in the mountain town of truckey, california along the rising river.

>> reporter: good evening. tonight this area is under a state of emergency . the truckey river runs for 121 miles between california and nevada and officials say it is not a question of if but when will this river flood? along the truckee river rising water and concern. tonight this family is hoping to save their home of 50 years. a rock and dirt beam may help keep the water away but today this family is moving out.

>> that's important.

>> reporter: carolyn has seen her home, this area flood before.

>> it's a helpless feeling. there is nothing else you can do. there is nothing. so you just do what you can.

>> reporter: with river water that could rise seven and a half feet with tomorrow's oncoming storm, the county has already declared a state of emergency . this mountain community, bracing for the worst.

>> we know we're going to have flooding in some areas. there is no getting around that.

>> reporter: for four days, the west has been hammered by rain, wind, and snow. in san francisco this week, flooding. in los angeles , trees and traffic have been the biggest problem. up and down the coast, surf advisories are in effect.

>> it is going to be nasty. very heavy rain . could lead to river flooding, flooding on the roads. it could just be dangerous to be out and about.

>> reporter: another punch from a series of storms still on the move and once again threatening homes. earlier today nevada's governor also toured this river for some perspective and they're not just worried about flooding here but up and down california there are flood watches in effect and the weather while it is supposed to get bad tomorrow already today at sfo delays topped two hours. lester?

>> miguel almaguer, northern california tonight. thank you.


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